I have to admit that Far doesn't stack up to her previous efforts in my mind. "Laughing With" is one of the tracks off the album that I didn't really care for much. But last night she dominated on the Tonight Show. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting much from the performance, and when I heard the opening chords I cringed a little bit, I was hoping she'd do "Blue Lips." But about 10 seconds in, I was cool with it and really liked it. There's something about being over-production that takes a certain beautiful edge off her voice, and it's much more present in a live performance, which is all the better for it. This is also a logical explanation for why each album she has released I've liked less and less, each album keeps getting more and more "clean." Anyway, even if you didn't like the album, I think there's a lot of merit in the performance, so here it is.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Rainy Day Mix #1

Well, it's another rainy day in the northeast. It seems that we've been cursed with a sopping wet summer, but things could be worse. Waking up to the sound of pouring rain, I thought I'd put together a small mix of songs for a rainy day. Admittedly, these specific songs are pretty introverted and moody, for quiet mornings when you don't want to be bothered. I hope there's a few you like, and keep an eye out for more mini-mixes 'cause making this one was too much fun.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Song o' The Week #25

Anyway, I listened to this song before we left for VT, and it was stuck in my head the whole time. Incidentally, I heard it when I listened to Thom Yorkes solo set from the Latitude Fest the other day, but have the earlier recording from I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings basically on repeat. The more I listen the more I feel like it's becoming one of my favorite Radiohead songs. Yorke's voice just sounds so sincere and vulnerable as he's pleading throughout the song, I can't help but fall in love with it. Can you?
Radiohead- True Love Waits (Acoustic)
iTunes / amazon
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
...And We're Home

Monday, July 27, 2009
Old School Death Cab
I liked Narrow Stairs and Plans to an extent, but nothing beats the awesome lo-fi ness of We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes. My favorite song is the upbeat "Company Calls." Everyone should hear it if they haven't already.
Death Cab for Cutie - Company Calls
Amazon / iTunes
Death Cab for Cutie - Company Calls
Amazon / iTunes
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Shuffle Mania
Sometimes music really scares me. I was having a nice shuffle session earlier today when "Lonely Soul" by UNKLE came up. It was simply the perfect song to listen to at the time, and it made my spine tingle. This song is definitely one of the strongest off Psyence Fiction, probably behind the Thom Yorke led "Rabbit in Your Headlights" and of course "Getting Ahead In The Lucrative Field of Artist Management." DJ Shadow was the brains behind the operation, and the UNKLE moniker definitely hasn't been the same since he left. He just really understands good music. Maybe this will be the perfect song for you listen to also. Or maybe not. Either way, if you haven't heard it in a while or never at all, take a listen.
UNKLE - Lonely Soul
Amazon / iTunes
UNKLE - Lonely Soul
Amazon / iTunes
Thursday, July 23, 2009
P4k Fest Highlights: Day 3
Day 3 kicked off for me with Women, who turned in a wonderfully noisy and enjoyable set. The Walkmen continued the streak of great bands, and were much better than the last time I saw them. Hamilton's mic was at the perfect volume where it wasn't too loud, but was loud enough at the right times. Grizzly Bear was apparently what everyone came to see, because the crowd waiting for them was the largest that I saw other than Flaming Lips. Anyway, they were fantastic, with the exception of a couple sound hiccups. The Flaming Lips closed the fest with balloons, giant plastic balls, and even bigger sonic vaginas. It was quite a show, but not really for me. All in all I had a blast, and strongly suggest it for y'all next year, depending on the lineup.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009
fork/knife vacation

Three out of the four of us will be gone for the weekend. We're taking a much needed trip up to the gorgeous state of Vermont for some camping, hiking, and biking. Donovan will be home here at the helm, leading fork/knife faithfully, with unparalleled vigor and a steady hand. Now to the music. As a soundtrack for your weekend, here's some Sigur Ros. It's from Takk, one of my favorite albums ever. See you in a few.
Monday, July 20, 2009
P4k Fest Highlights: Day 2

Sunday, July 19, 2009
P4k Fest Highlights: Day 1

Saturday, July 18, 2009
New Thom Yorke Cover

The Tennessee Fire: Side C

So what do I have to bring to the table? One of my favorite albums, and a Side C which contains the most succulent physical representations of sound ever to run under my needle. Once you drop the needle on the second LP of My Morning Jacket's Tennessee Fire and are greeted by "War Begun", you know it's going to be a fantastic 14 minutes and 28 seconds (which I am currently in the middle).
Although it is nothing like the vinyl version, I leave you with the eerie, yet comforting "I Will Be There When You Die".
No One Does It Like Kaki

Kaki King (pronounced "khaki") is a master of the guitar. With an untouchably unique style, Kaki slaps, taps, and beats on her guitar like it's nobody's business. Since 2003, she's released four full-length albums, full of intricate guitar compositions that she perfected during her time as a performer in the New York City subway system. In 2006, she was named a "Guitar God" by Rolling Stone, the first female to ever earn that honor. She's occasionally worked with the Foo Fighters, and was featured on the song "The Ballad of Beaconsfield" from their album, Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. To quote Dave Grohl, frontman of the Foo Fighters: "There are some guitar players that are good, and there are some guitar players that are really fucking good. And then there's Kaki King."
Friday, July 17, 2009
Video: Awesome Grizzly Bear On Letterman
Late night performances tend to be lackluster and awkward. Not this one. Holy smokes. Here's Grizzly Bear on Letterman, playing "Ready, Able" from their fantastic album, Veckatimest. Enjoy.
Will Sturgeon
I have made it known that our blog inbox is a complete craps shoot. A large portion of the music we receive is not very well made and often clearly not our taste (see "Tha Pumpsta"). That's why when we get something good in there, it's often surprising to me. And what I found was really good. Will Sturgeon is a 19 year old kid out of California who makes "laptop folk" as he describes it. And that's a very interesting and apt description for what the music sounds like. I listened through it this morning and was instantly hooked. His recent EP, geo geo, consists of seven succinct and very beautiful songs most built around acoustic guitars and melodies. On his website, he said that he did everything himself, and I believe it, it's hard to imagine a more lo-fi listening experience. Not that I'm complaining, because I thought that it still sounded great and very campfirey. Another cool bonus is that the entire album is streaming on Facebook and you can get most of the songs off his MySpace. Big ups to Will for sending this to us, and I strongly recommend that everyone go give his album a shot. If you happen to be too lazy to click the link, you can listen to my favorite song, "Sea/Moon" at the bottom of the post, and hopefully some hype people can get an introduction to Will's music if they don't already know it.
Will Sturgeon - Sea/Moon
Will Sturgeon - Sea/Moon
We've Lost Bishop!
Bishop, if you're reading this: could you comment and tell us where you are?

No one has seen or heard from poor Bish in a while, so if anyone knows his whereabouts you could you let us know? We miss him :(
Cat Power- I Lost Someone (Live Black Session)
Cat Power MySpace
About the Black Sessions

No one has seen or heard from poor Bish in a while, so if anyone knows his whereabouts you could you let us know? We miss him :(
Cat Power- I Lost Someone (Live Black Session)
Cat Power MySpace
About the Black Sessions
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New Modest Mouse

Stream: History Sticks to Your Feet
Remix 15: Phoenix

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Pitchfork Festival Coverage Comin' Atcha

Ok, ok. Fleet Foxes actually won't be there, but I'll take any excuse to watch that video. Anyway, all these videos are from La Blogotheque, which we all strongly suggest you visit.
Mayer Hawthorne

Mayer Hawthorne - Just Ain't Gonna Work Out
Amazon / iTunes
Beach House In the Sun

Beach House is one of those bands that grows on you. The first couple times I listened through their 2008 release, Devotion, I was pretty bored. But now, a couple months later, it's become one of my go-to albums of the summer. I don't really know how it happened. The slow melodies I once thought boring just sort of soaked into my brain. Here's my favorite song from the album, "Holy Dances." Take a listen, and don't toss it aside if you don't like it at first. Let it sit and see where it goes.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hear the New Album from The Dodos!

Time To Die, the upcoming album from The Dodos, has leaked. In response, the band has posted a complete and high-quality version of the album on the web, which you can listen to right now! Whether or not the band is bummed about the leak, I'm just happy that I get to hear it. Time To Die will be released in stores September 15th, and the digital version will be available July 28th.
Stream: The Dodos - Time To Die
Monday, July 13, 2009
First Train Home
I am a big Imogen Heap fan. The fact that she wrote music for the OC oddly does not bother me. I've eaten up everything she's ever put out, and now she's putting out new material, so I thought I should take a listen. The first time I heard the new single, "First Train Home" I was thoroughly unimpressed. I had already heard bits and pieces from her vBlog and I thought it kind of dragged. But then I listened again. And again. After about 20 listens, I thought I might have a problem. The odd thing is I'm still unsure about the song. I just can't stop listening to it. This is much cleaner and crisper than a lot of the music on Heap's Speak For Yourself, but it's still abound with layers and ethereal sounds. Now that I have the lyrics memorized as well, I'm impressed with her poetic writing, although I always have been in the past as well. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of Ellipse immensely. Take a listen for yourself, don't just go on what I have to say!
Imogen Heap - First Train Home
Preorder Ellipse on Amazon
Imogen Heap - First Train Home
Preorder Ellipse on Amazon
Hall & Oates Soothe
Pixies to Tour North America!

Pixies- Debaser
iTunes / amazon
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Joy Orbison Makes Us Dance

Joy Orbison - BSRkR (Clip)
Download Full mp3 HERE
Joy Orbison on MySpace
Saturday Punk
New segment? Probably not. I'm just not really listening to a lot of new music, with the exception of the new Tiny Vipers album Life on Earth, which is great. Instead, I've been listening to a bunch of punk and post-punk, specifically Joy Division. Anyway, here's some tunage for all of our nostalgic readers longing for the 70's and 80's.
Knocked Up is one of those movies that I watch every time it's on, and it was on the other day. I love some parts and others are just 'eh', but I always love to hear the Clash. This song keeps popping into my head whenever I see the movie, so I figured I'd pass the curse to many more people.
The Clash- Police On My Back
iTunes / amazon
This is a song off the debut album by The Jam In The City. What more can I say?
The Jam- In The City
iTunes / amazon
And here's some Joy Division. The first song off their first album, to be exact. As a side note, if Ian Curtis was still alive, we'd be celebrating his 53rd birthday this Wednesday...
Joy Division- Disorder
iTunes / amazon
Knocked Up is one of those movies that I watch every time it's on, and it was on the other day. I love some parts and others are just 'eh', but I always love to hear the Clash. This song keeps popping into my head whenever I see the movie, so I figured I'd pass the curse to many more people.
The Clash- Police On My Back
iTunes / amazon
This is a song off the debut album by The Jam In The City. What more can I say?
The Jam- In The City
iTunes / amazon
And here's some Joy Division. The first song off their first album, to be exact. As a side note, if Ian Curtis was still alive, we'd be celebrating his 53rd birthday this Wednesday...
Joy Division- Disorder
iTunes / amazon
Friday, July 10, 2009
Remix 14: Feist

Remix time. I wouldn't have found this one without our good friend Liz over at The Blisslist. She's got a great blog that's got wonderful music and tons personality, you should really give it a read. Anyways, here's the Feist remix of "1234," that gives new life to a song that you may otherwise be tired of. Or not. Make sure you make it to around the 1 minute mark, when things really get going. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Happy double birthday to Jack White and Isaac Brock, who both turn 34 today. Jack White is perhaps the more well known of the two, having founded three different groups, two of which have met with great success and one of which is recently new but has started well for him. He is most well known for his first band, The White Stripes, the duo formed with his ex-wife but still good friend Meg White. In particular, the album Elephant stands out as moment of excellence for the band. His other two groups have also gone on to be quite successful, both the Raconteurs and the Dead Weather have serious rock and roll cred.
Isaac Brock is the founder of Modest Mouse, one of my favorite bands of my youth and creators of two of my favorite all time albums with The Lonesome Crowded West and The Moon & Antarctica. Not to say their other work isn't accomplished as well, they have been one of the leading forces of the indie world over the last 10 years. "Dramamine" is my favorite song from them, and currently holds the distinction of the only song ever posted twice on this blog (I think).
Isaac Brock is the founder of Modest Mouse, one of my favorite bands of my youth and creators of two of my favorite all time albums with The Lonesome Crowded West and The Moon & Antarctica. Not to say their other work isn't accomplished as well, they have been one of the leading forces of the indie world over the last 10 years. "Dramamine" is my favorite song from them, and currently holds the distinction of the only song ever posted twice on this blog (I think).
Carbon Glacier

Laura Veirs - Ether Sings
Amazon / iTunes
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Other Side of Neutral Milk Hotel

Heart It Races

This is Dr. Dog at their best. The song is "Heart It Races," originally by Architecture In Helsinki. My good friend Lewis played it for me this spring, and I loved it instantly. I hope you do too.
Dr. Dog - Heart It Races
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hometowns Re-Issue Today!

This is just a quick little reminder to pick up The Rural Alberta Advantage's Hometowns today, or whenever you're at a record store next (if you want the vinyl though, you'll have to wait until July 21st. Sorry). Hometowns was one of f/k's favorite albums of last year, and it's seeing a much wider release today, which is great. It's really a stunning record, so we can't recommend it enough. Also, try and see them now that they're touring extensively. Who knows, you may see the f/k gang there!
The Rural Alberta Advantage- Sleep All Day
iTunes / amazon / saddle creek
Kiersten Holine

Kiersten's MySpace page
Kiersten's YouTube Channel
Kiersten's Website
Monday, July 6, 2009
Da Beach Boyz
I've been listening to a lot of Miles Davis and Beach Boys lately, and because the Miles songs are too long to post, I figured some Beach Boys would suffice. Plus, who couldn't use some golden harmonies while they're soaking up this great weather the Northeast has been having?
The Beach Boys- Funky Pretty
iTunes / amazon
"Funky Pretty" is off the 1973 album Holland, and it's quite funky, especially towards the end.
The Beach Boys- California Saga/ California
iTunes / amazon
To accompany it is fellow Holland song "California Saga/ California," which is pretty irresistible as well.
The Beach Boys- I'm Waiting for the Day (a capella)
iTunes / amazon
Finally, here's an a capella version of "I'm Waiting for the Day" from The Pet Sounds Session Box Set, the discovery of which can be attributed to blog friend Carolyn. Thanks doll! It's rather different without the accompanying instrumentation, and is also lathered in reverb, which makes it that much better.

iTunes / amazon
"Funky Pretty" is off the 1973 album Holland, and it's quite funky, especially towards the end.
The Beach Boys- California Saga/ California
iTunes / amazon
To accompany it is fellow Holland song "California Saga/ California," which is pretty irresistible as well.
The Beach Boys- I'm Waiting for the Day (a capella)
iTunes / amazon
Finally, here's an a capella version of "I'm Waiting for the Day" from The Pet Sounds Session Box Set, the discovery of which can be attributed to blog friend Carolyn. Thanks doll! It's rather different without the accompanying instrumentation, and is also lathered in reverb, which makes it that much better.
Shuffle Mania
Anyone using ITunes probably knows the joy of the accidental shuffle, when you've forgotten it's on, and then it hits you when you least expect it. Anyway, today it led me back to a song I haven't listened to in far too long by the Shins. The Shins seem to be in a troublesome place recently, having just replaced two members, and two years since their last release, which I liked, but was received lukewarmly in general. I hope they can come back and make music like this again, because while the indie world clearly doesn't need them, they could certainly use these guys back as the kings they once were. This is the closer off their debut, "Oh, Inverted World."
The Shins - The Past and Pending
Buy Song:iTunes
The Shins - The Past and Pending
Buy Song:iTunes
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Keep Tabs On fork/knife!
Hey guys, a quick reminder about our Facebook and Twitter pages, where you can keep up with what's going on here. Maybe you'll even find some embarrassing pics of Bishop? Muahaha.
DJ Shadow

Read Silence

I highly recommend purchasing this EP, and in order to convince you to, I give you the Justice-esque remix of "Red Dress".
Album Review: Farm

In 1987, Dinosaur Jr. released You're Living All Over Me. It was a ground-breaking record, covered in distortion and widely regarded as one of the most influential alt-rock albums of all time. Now, after twenty years, the trio is back in full force. Their recent album, Farm, ignores all that is hip, and it couldn't be better. Singer/guitarist J. Mascis leads with nonchalant confidence as the band rides their own wave of sound through layers of country, punk, and straight-up rock. It's refreshing to see that bands like Dinosaur Jr. can stick around for a long time and still produce great albums instead of falling into obscurity or wearing out their welcome with predictable and mundane releases. With Farm, Dinosaur Jr. have made rock and roll cool again.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Good Ole Fleet Foxes

Allie's Mix Tape Series #2

This Canadian indie pop band has one of the most charismatic frontman in Torquil Campbell, and he himself is surrounded with a group of pulchritudinous individuals, making Stars a lovable band from the start.
So, without farther delay, I present to you a track off their 2004 album, Set Yourself on Fire, entitled "Reunion".
Stars - Reunion
Friday, July 3, 2009
Black Cab Sessions: Grizzly Bear
There are a few sites out their known for taking in indie bands for a few hours and shooting some smashing videos or recording some ravishing audio. The most popular of these sites are Daytrotter and La Blogotheque, but one lesser known websites is the Black Cab Sessions. Their mission statement is "One song. One take. One cab." and I think that sums it up.
One of their latest videos featured blog-favorite Grizzly Bear performing "All We Ask" off their latest album Veckatimest. Enjoy and be sure to check out Black Cab Sessions' website to view their videos of other bands such as My Morning Jacket, Spoon, and Fleet Foxes.
One of their latest videos featured blog-favorite Grizzly Bear performing "All We Ask" off their latest album Veckatimest. Enjoy and be sure to check out Black Cab Sessions' website to view their videos of other bands such as My Morning Jacket, Spoon, and Fleet Foxes.
Mike Donovan, the Barrow Boy
So lately I've been outside doing some yardwork, and listening to some music. As I was doing this yardwork, it occasionally required the use of a wheelbarrow. This gave me an excuse to listen to "Eli, the Barrow Boy" by the Decemberists, which made me laugh wildly while porting weeds to and fro. It also reminded me of a video I found a long time ago, which is just someone's school project from a while ago, but I liked it and it made me laugh, so I felt I would share.
The Decemberists - Eli, the Barrow Boy
Buy Song:ITunes
The Decemberists - Eli, the Barrow Boy
Buy Song:ITunes
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Bee Hives

Feist - Lover's Spit
Buy Song:ITunes
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Allie's Mix Tape Series #1

My first installment of this series supplies a song that anyone reading this blog should already know. It's called "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)" and it's by the almighty Arcade Fire. This was my first taste of Arcade Fire ever; I fell in love immediately and haven't looked back since.
Crazy "Crazy" Cover
Ever wonder what Beyoncé's single "Crazy" would sound like if it was slowed down and sung by Antony and the Johnsons? Well, wonder no longer! The answer is really good.
Antony and the Johnsons MySpace
Antony and the Johnsons MySpace
Video: "Little Bribes" by Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab for Cutie - Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.
Here's the newest video from Death Cab for Cutie. The song is "Little Bribes" from The Open Door EP. I have to say, I kind of like it and it kind of gives me a headache. Much like the EP.
Wednesday Wiggles!

Avenue- Can You Feel It (Soda Boys Remix)
I have no idea how this got on my computer, but I'm glad. It's great.
Soda Boys MySpace
The Avalanches- Live at Dominoes
iTunes / amazon
How did the Avalanches do it? I don't know, but they did it so right and it's just so good.
The Avalanches MySpace
Semi Auto vs. Queen- Take It Slow (Half-A-Remix)
Semi Auto was kind enough to send this exclusively to us, and we're more than happy to post it for them. Plus, it's pretty bumpin'.
Semi Auto Myspace
Justice- Stress
iTunes / amazon
I know, I know. "Straight Justice, Chandler? No remix? What is this, '07?" The fact is, no one makes 'em like Justice. And Justice doesn't make 'em like "Stress". So just play it loud and enjoy.
Justice MySpace
Semi Automatic,
Soda Boys,
The Avalanches,
The Wiggles
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