Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Decemberists release date, tracklist announced for upcoming album

The Decemberists' highly anticipated upcoming LP, entitled Hazards of Love, now has an official release date, and track listing to boot! Described by band frontman Colin Meloy as "mossy and evil" (exactly what that means we'll have to wait and see), the album will be released March 24, 2009 and contains a whopping 17 tracks, far more than any previous Decemberists effort. All indications are that the work will be a serious departure from the whimsical Always the Bridesmaid series that was released over the span of three months this fall. While Always the Bridesmaid relied on catchy pop hooks and simple melodies for its songs, Hazards of Love will be "dense" and feature "lots and lots and lots of guitars" for its songs, according to Meloy. The band already branched out into the murky waters of rock with their last album The Crane Wife, which tracks like "The Island" and "When the War Came" featuring forceful guitar riffs and dissonant drum beats. I personally have to confess that I am looking towards this album with the utmost anticipation, and I really believe the Decemberists have a real chance to establish themselves as one of the leaders of indie rock if the album hits the spot. The track listing is as follows, and I'll leave you with a little treat from their latest singles series, which may be the last time we see their joyous side for a while.

1. Prelude
2. Hazards of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won’t Wrestle the Thistles Undone)
3. A Bower Scene
4. Won’t Want for Love (Margaret in the Taiga)
5. Hazards of Love 2 (Wager All)
6. The Queen’s Approach
7. Isn’t it a Lovely Night?
8. The Wanting Comes in Waves / Repaid
9. An Interlude
10. The Rake’s Song
11. The Abduction of Margaret
12. The Queen’s Rebuke / The Crossing
13. Annan Water
14. Margaret in Captivity
15. Hazards of Love 3 (Revenge!)
16. The Wanting Comes in Waves (Reprise)
17. Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned)

Valerie Plame - The Decemberists


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