Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twelve Days of Christmas (Day 1)

First, let me say how excited I am that I'm done with finals! Enjoy a Beirut cover that I think really captures my emotions about the matter.

Beirut- Hallelujah

Now, on to real business. For the next twelve days leading up to Christmas, I'm going to post a Christmas song, because it's just too gimmicky to let pass by. We'll start off with a fantastic song by Sufjan Stevens. While he may be falling off schedule on his whole "Album for Every State" project, in '06 he released a box of five EP's featuring only Christmas songs. So you may see another of Mr. Stevens songs in the future, because they're all quite good. Enjoy, and start getting in the holiday cheer.

Sufjan Stevens- Hey Guys! It's Christmas Time!


1 comment:

Liltaggy said...

I'm in the Christmas spirit right now. Please continue posting Sufjan Stevens posts, and include pictures every time. multiples, if possible.