Friday, January 23, 2009

The Whigs Will Rock Your Socks

In today's music scene, there are few groups that straight up rock. There are even fewer groups that pull it off. One such group is The Whigs, who released the second album last January. It's called Mission Control, a Tour de Force of straight-ahead and modest power pop. There's no glam, no gimmicks, just pure rock. My favorite song from the album is called "Right Hand On My Heart," which starts out with a heavy drum beat and explodes into a cathartic anthem that's catchy to boot. Singer Parker Gispert has a voice that's both sweet and powerful, and he often lets it loose for some raw emotion. All in all, The Whigs are a straightforward rock group that deserve a listen. Give these guys a chance and you may find that they fill a spot in your iTunes that you didn't know you were missing. I hope you enjoy.

The Whigs - Right Hand On My Heart
Buy Album: iTunes Amazon

The Whigs MySpace Page


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