Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Album Review: Merriweather Post Pavilion

Every so often a band releases an album that showcases the unique sound of the artist perfectly, and makes great leaps for music in general. Albums like OK Computer, The Moon and Antarctica, Aeroplane Over the Sea, and Funeral are examples of such works that truly captivate the listener and propel the artist to unreachable heights. I believe you can add this album to that list.

This is Animal Collective at their very best and most accessible. While they change their sound almost every album, a steady upward curve in quality has produced this, the pinnacle of their music. I could go on and on about each song, taking up a great deal of space pointing out where I get chills, or where the lyrics are no less than brilliant and beautiful. But the fact is, this album will probably be different for every person, and each person can pick out a song that has that same effect on them. If you do want to read more, head over to the Pitchfork review, which does a great job of explaining why this is so great in detail.

The majority of this is pop music, but it's pop that you've never heard before and what no one else can produce. It comes out today on vinyl, but you'll have to wait until Jan 20th if you're not part of the vinyl revolution yet. In any event, find a way to buy this album, because it's an achievement of music, and should be heralded as such.



Chris H said...

I'm looking forward to seeing if Donovan ever shells out the 10.0 rating again. Will there be another album this good in 09? Is that depressing?

Slappy White said...

If he does it'll probably be for the Decemberists album.

Goldaline said...

We'll see. I don't plan on doing it often, it just kind of happened that an album that deserved it came out at the beginning.